Glendale Elementary School District Facility Use Process

  • Facility Use Agreement Procedure

    All external facility use requests are scheduled through the Maintenance and Operations Administrative Secretary. All returning and prospective facility users must submit their event requests by mail, email or in person to the M&O Admin Secretary two weeks prior to first date of requested use.

    Facility Use Request Process

    1. All events at each site should be captured on the site calendar which is managed by the Admin Secretary at each site.
    2. All external Facility Use Requests are to be submitted to the M&O Admin Secretary and will be reviewed for the following items:
      1. Does the activity conflict with any events on the school calendar?
      2. Is the activity suited for the space requested?
      3. Is the activity school related?
      4. Are there special needs for which the school or District will be requested to provide equipment or staff to support the request?
      5. Did they provide the required documents at the time they submitted their request for use?Insurance Certificate
      6. State Tax ID # (not their SSN)
      7. An IRS letter of determination indicating a 501C3 organization.
      8. A copy of the Articles of Incorporation indicating a non-profit in good standing.
    3. Concussion Training certificate

    Once these items have been received and confirmed, the approved request will be forwarded to the site admin secretary to be placed on the site calendar.

    The approval process can take up to two weeks to complete. Therefore, last minute requests are much more likely to be denied.

    (GESD Admin staff, Please direct anyone who asks to rent a facility to the website so they may follow this process.)